bitvoodoo Advisories
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bitvoodoo Advisories BVADVIS

Communcation by Vendor

On we learned via EPS that there is a security vulnerability in their app PTC & STC Insight Extension for Confluence Server related to Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228). We urge our customers to deactivate the app for the moment until a new release with fix is available.

Our cloud apps are not affected by Log4, however our PTC server/datacenter app is. We are working on a hotfix and will release it as soon as possible.

Best Regards




PTC & STC Insight Extension 

Marketplace link

Base productConfluence

Recommendation by bitvoodoo

  • If you use PTC & STC Insight Extension, deactivate or uninstall the app
  • Wait for a new release, watch the App on the Atlassian Marketplace to learn about new releases via email


If you need any assistance please contact the bitvoodoo support via

bitvoodoo Advisories BVADVIS